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It's time to give power back to the people.

After our historic win in South Brisbane in 2020, we have shown the power of a state MP who fights for everyday people. Together we've stopped the wasteful Gabba stadium rebuild, saved Raymond Park, and fought for better rights and protections for renters. 

With polling showing Labor is at risk of losing goverment this election, South Brisbane will be vital - and the old parties will throw everything they've got to try and stop us. Unlike Labor and the LNP, the Greens don't take donations from big corporations, so we depend on thousands of everyday people like you chipping in what they can.

Your donation will power up our campaign to win, funding training and resources for volunteers, so they can talk to voters across South Brisbane about our bold plans to help renters, build homes, tax billionaires and stop new coal and gas mines.

Your donation is tax deductible.
As an individual, you can claim back the first $1,500 of donations and/or membership fees to a political party each financial year. 

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NOTE: If you wish your donation to be used for a specific purpose please indicate that in the Comments field above.

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